The Retirement Toolbox Podcast
This podcast offers financial and retirement planning guidance from Scott Searles of Skybox Financial Group. If you want a clear view of your financial situation then this is the podcast for you. We’ll make sure you’re poised for a successful financial future. Check out the episodes below and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast app.
The day President Trump took office, he announced plans to implement a 25 percent tariff on goods from Mexico and Canada. Additional tariff conversations have exploded since that day. How might this impact your personal finances and the economy? Today, we’ll explain a bit of the backstory of tariffs and discuss these new tariffs.
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Episode Show Notes & Resources
Why Retirement Planning Ain’t What It Used To Be
In some ways, retirement planning was easier for past generations. Let’s explore how a good financial advisor helps people overcome the additional challenges of today. Our parents and grandparents may not have had to face these things, so just relying on the experiences of family members might not be enough to help us achieve our own financial success.
Investor Beware: Spotting Red Flags When Picking An Advisor
Do you know what red flags, but also some good signs, to be on the lookout for when you’re searching for an advisor to work with as you prepare for retirement? On this episode, we’ll give you some red flags to be aware of, teach you how to spot them and illustrate the difference between an advisor who does the bare minimum versus one who goes above and beyond to work in your best interests.
Secret To Retirement Success: Get Out Of Your Own Way
There are plenty of external factors that often negatively influence our chances of having a successful retirement. But often, failure comes from within. On this episode, we’ll talk about some of the common ways people get in their own way when it comes to financial planning.
What To Do As You Count Down The Days To Retirement
We've assembled a list of 7 priorities to keep in mind as you count down the days to retirement. We'll discuss things like getting and staying healthy, taking advantage of opportunities to save more, post-retirement careers, and much more.
Reasons You SHOULD Get Life Insurance
Sure, life insurance is one of the more boring topics to cover on a podcast. And a lot of what you hear is going to warn you why you should NOT get various types of life insurance. But our goal on this episode is to focus on the positive and analyze the reasons why you should get life insurance, or at least consider it. Many people think that once the kids are out of the house, you don’t need insurance anymore. But there are some other reasons why life insurance can be a useful part of your retirement plan.
The Most Important Birthdays In Retirement Planning
There are certain age milestones where you should really pay attention to your retirement planning progress. On this episode, we’ll look at the most important birthdays as you approach retirement and cover the exact things you should be checking off your to-do list at each age.
Run Retirement Planning: How Baseball Principles Also Score Financial Runs
After listening to today’s episode, you’ll never attend another baseball game with the family and look at it the same way. We’re going to show you how taking some of baseball’s most basic principles can also lead to financial success in your retirement portfolio. So, grab your peanuts and crackerjacks and let’s take the financial field.
How To Recognize Your Own Voice of Greed & Fight Against It
When it comes to your money, you might have several different voices in your head—maybe the voice of greed, or the voice of fear, and sometimes the voice of wisdom. Let’s look at some things we might hear from the voice of greed so you know how to recognize it when you hear it.
Planning For Things We Can’t Predict
There are certain things in life we just can’t predict. If we knew the answers to some of these questions, planning for retirement would surely be a lot easier. So let’s see how you go about constructing a plan that addresses the kinds of questions to which you can’t possibly know the answers.