
The Retirement Toolbox Podcast

This podcast offers financial and retirement planning guidance from Scott Searles of Skybox Financial Group. If you want a clear view of your financial situation then this is the podcast for you. We’ll make sure you’re poised for a successful financial future. Check out the episodes below and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

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Episode Show Notes & Resources

Fore Your Retirement: What Golf Teaches Us About Financial Planning

April 20th, 2023|

Are you a golfer? Even if you're not, the game of golf can teach us valuable lessons about retirement planning. For example, hitting a hole-in-one might be thrilling, but it won't necessarily guarantee your overall success. And just like you need different clubs in your golf bag to play a round, you need a well-balanced approach to your investments in retirement.

Retirement Expenses For Which You Forgot To Plan

April 6th, 2023|

Are you preparing for retirement but feeling confident that you have covered all the expenses? Well, think again… It turns out that many retirees overlook some crucial expenses that can leave them financially vulnerable. In this episode, we explore the retirement expenses that most people tend to forget, including skyrocketing medical bills, unexpected travel costs, taxes, and much more. We'll discuss practical tips and strategies to help you plan for these expenses and ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.

Top Ten Tax Questions For Retirees In 2023

March 16th, 2023|

Retirement can come with a lot of tax questions and concerns. From understanding the tax implications of withdrawing from your retirement accounts to minimizing taxes on investment income, it can be overwhelming. On today’s episode, we’ll break down the top ten tax questions retirees are asking in 2023. Before you file your 2022 taxes and plan ahead for the rest of the year, make sure to listen to this episode as we’ll discuss some important tax questions that retirees should ask themselves to ensure they're making the most of their retirement savings and minimizing their tax burden.

Four Ways The SECURE Act 2.0 Might Impact You

March 2nd, 2023|

After being discussed in Congress for nearly a year and a half, the SECURE Act 2.0 passed in January. Listen to today’s episode to see what you need to know and learn four ways the new changes might impact you.

Rookie Mistakes Even Experienced Investors Make

February 16th, 2023|

Even if you’ve been saving your money and investing for a long time it’s easy to make rookie mistakes. On this episode, we’ll cover some of the top rookie mistakes we see people make, illustrate how to avoid them or how to fix them if you’re already made some mistakes in your financial life.

2023 Edition: 10 Point Checklist For Retirement Preparedness

February 2nd, 2023|

Another year is upon us and it’s a great time to ask yourself 10 questions to assess how ready you are for retirement to kick off 2023. If you’re retiring this year, it’s essential to have some concrete answers to these questions. If you’re still a few years from the milestone, tune in so you can start thinking about these critical conversations.

The Top 5 401(k) Mistakes You Need To Avoid

January 19th, 2023|

Saving in your 401(k) can be an easy and painless way to build your retirement savings. But because it’s so easy and painless, it can also be easy to ignore for long periods of time, which often leads to mistakes. We’ll cover at least the top 5 mistakes people make in their 401(k)s.

Is There Greener Grass On The Other Side?

December 15th, 2022|

Sometimes you need to find a new financial advisor. Other times, you might think you need a new advisor, but really, you’re just guilty of thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. Let’s discuss some common scenarios and whether they’re legitimate reasons for leaving your advisor.

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