
The Retirement Toolbox Podcast

This podcast offers financial and retirement planning guidance from Scott Searles of Skybox Financial Group. If you want a clear view of your financial situation then this is the podcast for you. We’ll make sure you’re poised for a successful financial future. Check out the episodes below and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

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Episode Show Notes & Resources

How To Live A Retirement Without Regret

November 21st, 2019|

Simple mistakes can sometimes lead to larger regrets in retirement. On today’s show, we’ll explore some of the things you can do to avoid living with regret in retirement. Show Notes & Info: Tax Free Toolkit: https://5p7b1gdm.pages.infusionsoft.net/ Skyb...

It’s Good To Have Awkward Conversations In Financial Planning

November 7th, 2019|

Sometimes being a good financial advisor means having uncomfortable conversations. We’ll take a look at how advisors should help clients navigate various tricky situations. If you’re going to be working with a financial advisor, make sure they’re pushing...

What The Next Market Crash Will Look Like

October 17th, 2019|

Some people think we’re on the cusp of the next stock market crash. Others predict that we’re just due for a minor correction. And another camp thinks we’ll continue an upward trend. We don’t know who is right or when any of those options will occur. But...

Even Responsible Savers Make These Mistakes

October 3rd, 2019|

Even for people who have been very responsible with their money over the years, entering retirement can still be a challenge because it’s such a different stage of life. Let’s talk about some of the missteps that even responsible savers can make. Tax Fre...

Is Playing The Blame Game Holding You Back Financially?

September 19th, 2019|

Have you ever had financial trouble? And we’re not just talking about the direst of situations like going bankrupt. Do you think a divorce is to blame for messing up your finances? Do you tend to think the system is rigged against the little guy? Did a f...

3rd & 4th Quarter Planning To-Do List

September 5th, 2019|

As we get into the 2nd half of 2019, there are several planning items you might want to run a quick checkup on to make sure you’re still on the right financial track. Especially if you’re a retiree, or pre-retiree. Are you focusing on the right things? L...

You Need To Avoid These Portfolio Disasters

August 15th, 2019|

Between wildfires, hurricanes, tornados and floods, there’s always a natural disaster making news headlines. And while life and limb aren’t at stake when it comes to your portfolio, experiencing a financial disaster can still have a catastrophic effect o...

What Does Financial Security Mean To You?

August 1st, 2019|

“Financial Security” might mean different things to different people, but for nearly everyone, making sure that they achieve their own definition of security is the most important part of their retirement plan. So, how do you define financial security? O...

Learning Financial Lessons From Popular Proverbs

July 18th, 2019|

There are plenty of proverbs and axioms that aren’t meant to be about money, but we can easily learn a financial lesson from them anyway. We’ll show you the hidden money meanings behind some of these popular sayings. We have a great question from Roberta...

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