
The Retirement Toolbox Podcast

This podcast offers financial and retirement planning guidance from Scott Searles of Skybox Financial Group. If you want a clear view of your financial situation then this is the podcast for you. We’ll make sure you’re poised for a successful financial future. Check out the episodes below and don’t forget to subscribe on your favorite podcast app.

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Episode Show Notes & Resources

What’s Your Retirement Lifestyle?

January 21st, 2021|

Have you thought about what life is going to be like for you in retirement? Is there a particular lifestyle you’re seeking? Not all retirement planning is about the finances. Let’s look at some of the lifestyles that are popular among retirees and discuss some of the financial things to consider if you’re going to try to live out one of these particular living situations.

Things Nobody Says

January 7th, 2021|

You’ve probably never heard anyone make these statements that we’ll provide on today’s episode. And there are some great reasons why.

Reviewing The Top Places To Retire In 2020

December 3rd, 2020|

We had too much fun on this episode... Is the place where you’d like to retire on the Top 15 list? On this episode, we’ll review the US News & World Report’s top 15 retirement locations and share stories of past clients who made the decision to move somewhere else for retirement and what went into those decisions from an emotional and financial standpoint.

The 401(k) FAQs

November 19th, 2020|

This episode is all about addressing the most frequently asked questions about 401(k)s.

Using Hindsight To Develop A 20/20 Financial Vision

October 15th, 2020|

Just like any decision in life, making financial choices would be a lot easier with the benefit of hindsight. Let’s talk about some of the things we might hear from people who wish they’d done things differently after looking in the rear view mirror.

Let’s Put Your IRA Under Some Scrutiny

September 17th, 2020|

The IRA is an incredibly popular vehicle to save for retirement. But are you being too passive about how you’re saving and investing inside that account? Let’s put your IRA through some scrutiny to see if you’re truly taking advantage of all it has to offer and understand its pros and cons.

Here Are Some Easy Ways To Ruin Your Retirement

September 3rd, 2020|

Everyone has read blogs, watched shows, and listened to people talk about all the key ways to improve or succeed in retirement. But what about how you can mess it all up? Let’s tackle five easy ways to ruin your retirement (then just do the opposite of these things and you’ll be fine).

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